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English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
Stinging nettle — Urtica dioica subsp. dioica Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia
stinging — sting·ing || stɪŋɪŋ adj. producing or causing a sting; able to cause a sting; hurtful, cutting, biting stɪŋ n. act of stinging; sharp pain or wound caused a stinger; sharp organ or part (Botany, Zoology); covert operation executed by… … English contemporary dictionary
stinging nettle — noun A nettle; any of the species of genus Urtica that cause painful short term skin irritation, especially Urtica dioica, originally Eurasian, now naturalized elsewhere. See Also: deadnettle … Wiktionary
stinging — (Roget s Thesaurus II) adjective So sharp as to cause mental pain: acerbic, acid, acidic, acrid, astringent, biting, caustic, corrosive, cutting, mordacious, mordant, pungent, scathing, sharp, slashing, trenchant, truculent, vitriolic. See ATTACK … English dictionary for students
Eye drop — For the television show, see Eye Drops. These eye drops are packaged for single use, without preservatives. Eye drops are saline containing drops used as a route to administer medication in the eye. Depending on the condition being treated, they… … Wikipedia
Chemical peel — A chemical peel is a body treatment technique used to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and eventually peel off.[1] The regenerated skin is usually smoother and… … Wikipedia
cowage — n. (also cowhage) a climbing plant, Mucuna pruritum, having hairy pods which cause stinging and itching. Etymology: Hindi kawanch … Useful english dictionary
Rosales — ▪ plant order Introduction the rose order of dicotyledonous flowering plants, containing 9 families, 261 genera, and more than 7,700 species. Rosales, which is in the Rosid I group among the core eudicots, is related to other orders with members … Universalium
sting — stingingly, adv. stingless, adj. /sting/, v., stung or (Obs.) stang; stung; stinging; n. v.t. 1. to prick or wound with a sharp pointed, often venom bearing organ. 2. to affect painfully or irritatingly as a result of contact, as certain plants… … Universalium
Representative venomous animals that inflict a sting — ▪ Table Representative venomous animals that inflict a sting name and distribution toxic principle toxic effects and comments Cnidarians Portuguese man of war (Physalia species); tropical seas tetramine, 5 hydroxytryptamine immediate, intense… … Universalium
Spells in Harry Potter — occur in the wizarding world of the series of books by author J. K. Rowling. Magic spells are used by many of the characters to achieve useful effects without the benefit of modern technology. The main depiction of a spell in the Harry Potter… … Wikipedia